Dr. Kia Lannaman, M.D. | AP Cares
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Dr. Kia Lannaman, M.D.

High-Risk Obstetrics & prenatal pediatrics [aka fetal medicine]

Doctorate of Medicine


Dr. Kia Lannaman, M.D.


Dr. Kia is a woman’s health physician who serves pregnant persons with advanced pregnancy needs. Her specialty has multiple names: Maternal-Fetal Medicine, High-Risk Obstetrics, Perinatology. Doctors in this field are specialists in using ultrasound to evaluate the growing baby, diagnosing normal and abnormal development in the womb; we also specialize in managing maternal health conditions that complicate pregnancy. Obstetricians that write suggested national guidelines for safe Obstetric practice are often Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists. Dr. Kia earned her doctorate of medicine from the University of Miami in Miami, Florida. She completed a residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Winthrop University Hospital in New York and a Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the joint program sponsored by the Perinatology Research Branch of the National Institute of Health, Wayne State University and the Detroit Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan. Currently, she works in the midwest of the United States of America. Dr. Kia has special interests in risk prevention & reduction for pregnant mothers, diagnosing and managing birth defects for children in the womb and encouraging healthy practices after childbirth, such as breastfeeding. She has a panache for clear, non-alarmist communication of complex ideas–this skill was honed through experiencing the challenges of language comprehension when living in French and Spanish-speaking countries. Dr. Kia has published in high-impact peer-reviewed Obstetric Journals. She is a member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. “I am a relative newlywed and I just welcomed my first child in fall 2020, during the COVID-19/Pandemic. I am zealous to share helpful insights and advice on all things related to pregnancy and motherhood. I believe my work as a physician is a personal assignment from God. I identify as a heterosexual black woman from the millennial generation. My ethnicity is Jamaican and I reside in the United States.”

Dr. Kia's Services

Pregnancy Support Package

Pregnancy Lab Test Explanations

Birthworker Support Services

Prenatal or Postpartum Individual f/u

Personalized Pregnancy Maternity Care

Basic Prenatal Ultrasound Explanations

Concierge Pregnancy Package

Detailed Prenatal Ultrasound Explanation

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